Rust Guard Premium™

  • Ideal as a box, drum, or bin liner
  • Easily pack bulk metal parts or stack parts in layers, offers long-term
    corrosion protection
  • Can be closed with tape, staples, or zip tie

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VCI Gusseted Bags

VCI Gusseted Poly Bags – Rust Guard Premium™

Available in both cast metal and multi-metal biotect formulations, our Rust Guard Premium™ VCI Gusseted Bags provide a convenient fitted design for your metal parts. Our cast metal formulation provides industry-leading protection for cast metals, including grey iron, ductile iron, white iron, austempered ductile iron, malleable iron, and other cast metals. While our Biotect MB VCI provides unparalleled protection on ferrous and non-ferrous metals such as steel, aluminum, iron, copper, brass, bronze, magnesium, and galvanized steel.

Bag Size Calculator

VCI Gusseted Poly Bags – Rust Guard Premium™

Available in both cast metal and multi-metal biotect formulations, our Rust Guard Premium™ VCI Gusseted Bags provide a convenient fitted design for your metal parts. Our cast metal formulation provides industry-leading protection for cast metals, including grey iron, ductile iron, white iron, austempered ductile iron, malleable iron, and other cast metals. While our Biotect MB VCI provides unparalleled protection on ferrous and non-ferrous metals such as steel, aluminum, iron, copper, brass, bronze, magnesium, and galvanized steel.

Bag Size Calculator



10" x 8.5" x 17" .003 500 / case
11" x 10" x 21" .0025 500 / case
12" x 10" x 22" .0015 750 / roll
13" x 11" x 25" .004 250 / roll
14" x 10" x 19" .002 500 / roll
16" x 10" x 21" .004 250 / roll
16" x 14" x 16" .003 500 / roll
20" x 16" x 30" .004 100 / roll
21" x 12" x 22" .003 100 / roll
23" x 18" x 46" .004 100 / roll
26" x 24" x 42" .004 100 / roll
29" x 29" x 56" .004 50 / roll
34" x 33" x 65" .004 50 / roll



40" x 27" x 70" .004 50 / roll
40" x 36" x 80" .004 25 / roll
48" x 44" x 72" .004 25 / roll
48" x 47" x 82" .004 25 / roll
49" x 40" x 78" .004 50 / roll
49" x 46" x 90" .004 25 / roll
50" x 34" x 65" .004 25 / roll
54" x 44" x 96" .004 20 / roll
55" x 45" x 68" .004 25 / roll
55" x 45" x 80" .004 25 / roll
58" x 48" x 110" .003 25 / roll
60" x 50" x 95" .004 25 / roll



10" x 8" x 17" .004 500 / case
11" x 10" x 21" .0025 500 / case
12" x 10" x 22" .0015 750 / roll
13" x 11" x 25" .004 250 / roll
14" x 10" x 19" .002 500 / roll
16" x 10" x 21" .004 250 / roll
16" x 14" x 16" .003 500 / roll
20" x 16" x 30" .004 100 / roll
21" x 12" x 22" .003 100 / roll
23" x 18" x 46" .003 100 / roll
24" x 15" x 22" .003 250 / roll
26" x 24" x 42" .003 250 / roll
27" x 20" x 25" .004 100 / roll
29" x 29" x 56" .004 50 / roll
34" x 33" x 65" .004 50 / roll



40" x 27" x 70" .004 50 / roll
40" x 36" x 80" .004 25 / roll
48" x 44" x 72" .004 25 / roll
48" x 47" x 82" .004 25 / roll
49" x 40" x 78" .004 50 / roll
49" x 46" x 90" .003 250 / roll
50" x 34" x 65" .004 25 / roll
50" x 48" x 80" .004 25 / roll
54" x 44" x 96" .004 20 / roll
55" x 45" x 68" .004 25 / roll
58" x 48" x 110" .003 25 / roll
60" x 50" x 80" .004 25 / roll
70" x 50" x 95" .004 50 / roll

Need more sizes? View a complete range of custom and non-standard sizes available through our online catalog.

Need more sizes? View a complete range of custom and non-standard sizes available through our online catalog.

Test Drive Rust Guard Premium VCI Technology with FREE Samples

Free Samples Request Form Submission VCI Gussetted Bags

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Have more rust prevention questions?

Give us a call at 855-466-7878 or contact us through our website and we’ll have one of our rust prevention experts contact you.

Test Drive Rust Guard Premium VCI Technology with FREE Samples

Free Samples Request Form Submission Mobile VCI Gussetted Bags

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Have more rust prevention questions?

Give us a call at 855-466-7878 or contact us through our website and we’ll have one of our rust prevention experts contact you.

Ready to order? Request a quote now and receive 10% off your first order.
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