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Need a quote now? Use the form below to provide more detailed information about the sizes and types of VCI products you’re looking for pricing on and we’ll make sure to send you a quote today!

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Why buy from Green Packaging?


Our products contain the highest concentrated levels of VCI on the market.


All our products are non-toxic and environmentally safe – free of heavy metals, nitrites, or amines.


Our pricing is consistent
and competitive.


We carry more products in stock and available to ship same-day than any other VCI brand.


We offer the industry’s ONLY rust prevention guarantee.


Are you already using VCI but need help in maintaining preferred inventory. With Green Packaging, Inc., you can access seamless supply chain support programs with a 30-minute quote, same-day shipping, and proactive inventory monitoring.

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Why buy from Green Packaging?

Our products contain the highest concentrated levels of VCI on the market.

All our products are non-toxic and environmentally safe – free of heavy metals, nitrites, or amines.

Our pricing is consistent
and competitive.

We carry more products in stock and available to ship same-day than any other VCI brand.

We offer the industry’s ONLY rust prevention guarantee.


Are you already using VCI but need help in maintaining preferred inventory. With Green Packaging, Inc., you can access seamless supply chain support programs with a 30-minute quote, same-day shipping, and proactive inventory monitoring.

Need to improve your rust and corrosion prevention program? Leverage our more than 20 years of experience helping metal parts manufacturers eliminate the threat of rust.

Need to improve your rust and corrosion prevention program? Leverage our more than 20 years of experience helping metal parts manufacturers eliminate the threat of rust.

Test Drive Rust Guard Premium VCI Technology with FREE Samples

Free Samples Request Form Submission "Quote Request" Page

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Have more rust prevention questions?

Give us a call at 855-466-7878 or contact us through our website and we’ll have one of our rust prevention experts contact you.

Test Drive Rust Guard Premium VCI Technology with FREE Samples

Free Samples Request Form Submission Mobile

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Have more rust prevention questions?

Give us a call at 855-466-7878 or contact us through our website and we’ll have one of our rust prevention experts contact you.

Ready to order? Request a quote now and receive 10% off your first order.
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